Wednesday, December 30, 2009

This Year will be called the Year of Dreams Unfolding

holy experience

My List of resolutions:

1. Exercise 4 times a week.
2. Read and Research my Future Career
3.Watch or read National news
4. save for a trip to IHOP
5. Memorize Scriptures that are part of my prayer binder
6. stay in contact with Katie weekly

After thinking about what all of these have to do with the big picture of my life I realized that they all have to do with becoming the person God has designed me to be. That is so exciting! I say 'Yes' to God using me this year 'Yes" to him growing me is his love this year and "yes" to becoming a more heath person in body, soul-mind, will, emotions, and in spirit this year.

1. Exercise is not just for people who want to loose wait, that is not me, but it is for every human on the earth. Exercise has a huge impact on my attitude, my heath and my hunger for more. For more of God and for more out of my daily life. I want to go to bed knowing that I accomplished all that God had planned for me that day. Often what I have planned is not at all what God did. So it is more than a to-do list but a peace of mind.

2. I have a huge dream to run a day care for my church someday. Now that is in the very far away future so what am I to do while I wait for that dream? Works towards it of course. So in a week I head back to school to start my 2 year program of studying early childhood development. After that my Hope is to have my own Pre-school. I want it to be a hands on school where we study more that numbers and letters but we explore the beautiful world God has made for us to delight in. This the dreams God has planted in my heart. I love how God has made me:)

3.watching and reading on the national news is very important to me. I don't want to be surprised when people talk about wars and world changes but I want to be aware of what is going on in the World as the nearing of our Lord's return approaches.

4.Save For IHOP. Well this speaks for itself.

5. Memorize Scripture. I have a small black binder that has a list of verses God has spoke to me strongly through over the last year or so and I try to pray them over myself everyday. I want to memorize these so the as school starts again I can renew my mind and spirit through out the day not just at the very beginning or end.

Lastly6. Stay in contact with Katie at least once a week. Well I could go on forever about why I need to do this but... let's just say my best friend and leader is leaving and she is the main person God uses to speak in to my life and I don't ever want to loose the friendship we have or the relationship God has giving me.

I know God is going to bless me with more than I could ever ask for this year. What a good God I serve!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Oh the busy-ness... but how I love it.

This week has been busy to say the least. Next week the college is shutting down in honor of Thanksgiving. Now sure that sounds great, until you hear, the week after that is the last week of classes and then Finals follow. So while many kick back and enjoy the company of relatives and close friends and a whole lot of food, I will be working hard to get ahead. My goal is to study as much as I can for finals and plan out all my idea's for art. Now before I sound like a giant complainer and a leach looking to suck the sympathy out of who ever will give it, let me tell you that this is how I want it to be. I am so thankful that I get the chance to work part time, to go to school full time and to be married to the most amazing man ever.

I am a New Wife, A lover of Jesus and follower of God, a personal child care provider, a student trying to pass her classes. I am living a life so full of purpose that I can't hardly believe it. I was reflecting on my life before I came to know God his son and the life I now have in him. Man My old life was crazy... now I am standing on the other side looking in on people living in the mists of so many battle I have won with God going ahead of me. I can't help but break! God's grace and love are so huge I can't even start to comprehend it all. The fact that I am nearly 21 and can say I am free from the hold of the enemy and all the plans that he conjured up to destroy me have failed , is so crazy. Most people don't even reach that level of freedom by the time they hit middle ages and some never reach it. I am now taking a stand and saying God if these broken hurting people don't have the courage or the strength to stand up for themselves I will. I will commit to intercede on behalf of the people floating down the river of destruction. Whether they are saved or not, blatantly disobeying God or not. Why? Because so many people did that for me and that is why God has freed me He heard their cries over me and answered their prayers on my behalf. What an awesome God I serve! I owe him nothing less then my life for eternity!

I hope all of you who read this blog have an amazing Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Beach!

Today the leaders and people who want to be leaders are leaving for the beach for the weekend. I'm excited to get to hang out with some pretty cool people and listen to the rain the whole weekend. I know God is going to teach us all His view on what it means to be a leader, which means I can expect some stretching in my spirit. Any part of my body stretching is not a good feeling. like when I think I can stretch out my legs making fun of Brain and Dusty working out. But than the next day I am the one who is sore lol. So stretching is more often than not something I don't look forward to. It is different when God is the one doing the stretching, not me or another person but God. God's spiritual work out is so good you may sweat in the middle of it but after your all done with the work out you feel so empowered to go and fight off the attacks the devil has been shoveling on you. So even though at times over this weekend a little sweat will be poured and I will feel the burn I know it is God getting me ready to fight a victorious battle.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The revelation of worship

A couple weeks ago Chris and I were at our pastor's house doing a little repair work. After we finished and went to say good bye and we ended up getting on the topic of music. Music for both of us is a huge part of who God created us to be. Not only to enjoy music it's self or even just to create and play music. But to be people that understand the power of true music,worship, praise and the release it brings. So the two of us found that we had listen to all our music so much that it was no longer a tool to be used but boring. To solve this problem we asked pastor if we could have some of his cds. God has been changing my heart and teaching me so much about Him and myself through these worship albums. I have now began listening to a lot of Ihop music and soaking my spirit in the truth of God's love for me. I now worship God with the understanding that there is a huge amount of power just in praising Him. Chains have been broken off my mind over these last few days and God has been pouring out a refreshing of who He has created me to be. Last night at Switch pastor Brian went old school with the worship portion of service. He lead from the Guitar and just had a bass player and a drummer. As I stood in the congregation joining with the praise of the youth and the leaders and the angles in heaven a great thing happened. God gave me a song over the group of us I started to praise God and purposefully worship Him knowing that as I did He would tear down walls in this generation's thinking and bring them out of the confusion of who they think He is and who He has called them to be. I saw God work in such a huge way in so many of the people there that I had been praying and singing songs over. It is so amazing to see God work in and through me even if the people I was ministering to don't know it. I know that I am entering into a whole new avenue of God's calling on my life and I am so excited to see how God is going to grow me and continue to turn me into the women He planned me to be before I was even in my mother womb.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I can't wait

So yesterday me and my best friend KT spent like an hour on the phone. I miss her so much but I am so thankful for all God has been doing in her life while she has been away at IHOP. Every time I talk to her I can tell so much life and hope has soaked her spirit, it is amazing. Yesterday we talked about thanksgiving and the day after it. She is going to help me decorate my house for my 1st Christmas as a married lady. Of course we are going to wake up at like three and go to all the black Friday sales, and then the parade down town. Next we shall cut our tree down and listen to Christmas music non-stop. I am so excited!!! This is truly going to be the best Holiday season of my whole life.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Paint away

So today I was at school in the bookstore and I walked by the art section. I was for some reason or another filled with the passion to buy some water colors and a paint sketch book. So now I am gong to start attempting to paint for Jesus. I am going to put on my favorite worship album and let the Lord give me a picture of his beauty to paint. this is just another way I am getting out of my religious box to draw closer to the heart of God. I will put some of these on my blog if they don't turn out too terrible lol.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Time to try something new...

Hello all of my blogger friends who may not read this blog since I never write in it. well I have decided to start writing in it again. my inspiration for this decision is my friend kt who has the most amazing blog ever. While she has been away from home pursuing the deeper things of God she has been learning and sharing so much with all of us in the blogger world. I hope to do the same even if it is only a single laugh or a smile it is well worth it.

So here goes...
Last weekend was ladies retreat and man did God do some amazing things in me! I have decide to start a sketch book for God. Now believe me I have no real drawing skills but I do enjoy a little color pencil and paper action. So today I had Chris pick me up a 12 pack of crayola, which as we all know are the Starbucks of coloring utensils. I plan to sketch the different places I go while spending time with God. I am all about going outside of my living room to read my bible and pray, it helps keep the distraction minimal with all my to-do's. Here I go I'm stepping out of my box of normal-ness.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The first few months as a Wife

Well the last blog I posted was ten days before my wedding, crazy. Three months have gone by since that beautiful day. I love being married to Chris, everyday I learn something new. Most of the time the lesson I learn makes no difference in my daily life. Like all the different kinds of welding one can do, and how the higher up a pipe goes the lower the pressure is. The most recent one, how the liquid stays in your straw when you pick it up with your finger covering one end. Other lessons will shape my life. Like how important it is to my Husband to know that I am happy, and how he wants more than anything for me to live out my dreams. That is what love is all about, sacrificing all your wants for the other to have more than they could ever think of. He fears not showing his love for me everyday, I fear not knowing how to show the love I have for him in a fraction of the way he does.

He did the sweetest thing ever. Have you ever received a gift and thought it was great and all but the really great part was how great the person giving it to you thought it was, well the is just what happened. Chris told me he had a surprise for me at his dad's house so I was like what is it and he was like you have to wait and see. Turns out that he drove by a plant nursery and saw the most amazing flower that he just had to buy it for me. To insure that it would grow to its fullest he planted it at his dad's with two logs surrounding it.It was so sweet.

One of the challenges we are facing other than sharing our full size bed is knowing how to pursue a way to be used as a couple in god's kingdom. See I am all about kids ministry and Chris is a twenty one year old guy and as you could guess kids are not at the top of his fun list. Chris is all about being the first one there and the last one out, which can be rather inconvenient. I know that god has huge plans for us in the future and for the family we raise but often it is hard to wait until the future. i am so anxious to walk in the will of God with this amazing partner. So I guess this is a good problem to have... God sure does know what he is doing with our lives.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

WOW It has been forever!!!

Well to all of my dedicated fans who have spent the last months in tears because of the lack of blogging I have done, here is an update.

My wedding is next weekend AHHHH!!!! and I am so excited.
Everything is done but a few minor details, like ordering the food lol, and purchasing the bridal parties gifts. Last Saturday my awesome bridal shower took place. Katie and Jenn did an amazing job! I took a how well do you know Chris quiz and only got 5 out of 20 right :( but Chris did admitt to not fulling thinking through at least 2 of the answers. the rest where so random but really funny. I now have a box full of addvice both nice and so aplicable to my soo to be wife life. God has really provided my with amazing women who have been married for at least 10 years and most of which of kids, to learn from. Katie is the most amazing friend anyone could ever ask for.

Oh an update on chris... He has been so great during these last few stressful weeks. I don't think I could have made it through with him puttin my view back in the right prospective. I also had the mosdt intimidating conversation yesterday. I called my Dad to let him know that Brian would be walking me down the isle on June 13th and not him. It went way better than I thought. the Lord really does hear and answer prayers!!!

Well I also moved into our new apartment. It is so nice, comfy and most important it is us. almost everything has been unpacked and unloaded now we just wait for the time that Chris doesn't have to go somewhere else to sleep. :)

Well that is just a few thoughts from the soon to be Mrs Chris Davis.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

118 days to go

Wow I have not blogged for quite sometime. sorry to all my fans for that!
Let me see, well yesterday was valentines day and it was great. Chris and I decited to have a re-do date from two years ago. Since we had all of saturday together we started out with a simple breakfast-pancakes. We watched a movie on our new couch, which at this moment has found its home in my bed room. It makes the pad pretty sweet to hang with my peeps and all that jazz. following that we went for a little shopping adventure. we exchanged cards. Chris wrote something so mushy and amazing and I on the other hand was my usual sarcastic self. lol we are such a perfect balance. He also gave me a beautiful lili pant and a lili bouque. then we ventured off to dinner at old town pizza in town down. It is a cute little place. super old but so cool. the whole place is very close together and it has super sort seelings, the light shades in the place all have a faded yellow color making everything look gold. none of the funiture matches and everything looks to ba an antique. we shared a cutom pizza and I ordered a spinige salad that ended up tastedin like park dust. I felt the need that night to eat like a granola cruncher.. for some unknown reason I got a pesto pizza with spinige and chicken. it sounded great but was not at all what pizza should be. I ended up eating one slice of mine and two of his meat and cheese with olives. as it should be he would say... a classic taste. while we were awaiting the arrival of our pizza we exchanged gifts. I recieved an awesome gift card to a spa place. which i have never even thought about going to. 120 dollars for hair, nails, feet rub, back rub, face peel you know all that girly stuff that we are born to love. I am so excited to go and get my hair done at a place other than great clips.

as for an update on the wedding planning. well not much has changed from last you heard. Other than the fact that the time is going by so fast. we have decided on center pieces. a vase in a vase with a single Calla Lilli and candy surrounding the inner vase. simple but fun. I am so excited, we are going to order our invites, on my mothers request. who by the way had a turn around in interest about the whole getting married business which I am so thanking God for. Chris' dad has picked out an awesome suit to wear. and I shall be taking my parents soon to pick out their outfits. guys tux' are chosen will order in march. we are getting engagement photos taken this coming Saturday. which both of us actually bought new clothes for :) in short things are going great!oh and we should be starting pre-marriage counseling anytime now. which is the fun stuff you all want to know about.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

gettin it done

So the check list so far for our need to do's is goin very well.
we have a location- an old air port in sandy
we have a cake prepairer
we have a dress ordered
we have the bridesmaids dresses all ordered
we have the guest list done
we have picked out our invitaions
we have found our flowers-costco lilies
we have chairs picked to order
we have found a runner
we have our vidoe man picked out
we have our photographer picked out

The stress that I have been feeling the last couple weeks has simmered down a lot which I am very thankful for that. The biggest blessing I have is the people from my church. I have never met a group of people that care so much about me. My family is not really into weddings, actually i don't think anyone in my family has ever had a wedding more than just enough people to sign the witness paper. my parents got married at my mom's mother's house is borrowed attire flowers from the yard and just family there. which is not wrong but when I am a parent i could never see myself wanting my daughter to rent a gown and spend nearly no money. so Chris is paying for everything to relieve the potential harassment my parents would dish out if they had to help at all. But all that aside I know that God so has his hand on Chris and I and every part of our wedding.all of the things we have got so far have been at the best deal possible and the help we have been getting is amazing. It;s like everything is falling into place. so where I lack a dad that is so thrilled for his kid and a mother willing to help God is my supportive parent. A father to the fatherless. I can't ever imagine this happening if it wasn't for the grace God has on my life and the overflowing love for me he has.
well that is a glimpse into the things I have come to realize so far in this engagement journey and I love it.
oh ya and a-make-you-say awe storey for you all.
last week Chris and I were going over our budget fro the wedding and things we looking not so good in the money area, which led to some changes but for the better. anyways so we were looking at the money and I got so upset that my dad didn't want to help at all , and that my mom hadn't called to check in that I just lost it and started to cry for like ever. He didn't notice at first then he caught on. He wrapped his arms around me and prayed. Of course that just made me cry harder lol. but in that moment when he said nothing but brought it all before God I realized that this is so meant to be!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Jan 10Th 2009 will be the most romantic amazing day thus far in my whole life! Why you may be asking ... well the man of my dreams just officially asked me to marry him, oh and for him I think it is the most planned out day that he has ever lived. lol. Well i am sure you are dieing to hear details so here I go. First of all i had no clue the whole time. We of course have already planned to get married so the ring part He was just waiting to give to me at the perfect time and it so was. It stared out with a wake up call at 7:00 am on Saturday morning making sure that I was up and on my way to the shower. I arrived at his house to find a pen propping the door so I could let myself in. On the table as I first walked in the door was a Starbucks coffee with a piece of paper in font with Christina and an arrow written across it. he was still in the shower so I at on the couch with my coffee waiting for him to get done. then he cooked me pancakes, bacon, eggs and orange juice.
After breakfast we headed to the car with two very large backpacks in hand. On the passenger side of the car there was two beautiful long stem roses,red and pink. There is nothing quite like getting flowers,. I always thought it was over rated until I received my first rose, and yes it was from Chris, sweet I know. :) We were now on our way to the falls!!! I brought my new camera and took like a thousand pictures of everything. Which ended up being perfect since it was to be the day I became betrothed. :) once we got to the falls we took our huge backpacks and headed for the lodge to get some more coffee. To the top we headed. once we arrived on the top, which took a while since I stopped every five feet to take a photo ... my bad, He stared pulling things out of one of the backpacks. Our bibles, a blanket, a portable ipod player and his ipod. We spent the next half hour to forty-five mins reading our bibles listening to Jon thurlow. He is an amazing guy from international house of prayer in Kansas City. Oh I almost forgot to mention that it was FREEZING on top the hillside. there was still mounds of snow left over from the winter blast we received. So to prevent our selves from freezing to death we found two big rocks that formed a little cave to move to after we finished reading our bibles. He then emptied the rest of the things from the backpacks. He brought all of my favorite sandwich items. Pickles, honey mustard, ham , salami, pepperoni, lettis, tomatoes, mayo,olives, green peppers all on a nice piece of french bread. It was the biggest sandwich I have ever made/eaten.
Next comes the highlight... With Jesus music still playing Chris leaned behind me , I was like what are you doing ? he sat up stared at me and said nothing. then he leaned behind me again, I was like no really weirdo what are you doing he looks at me again and just smiles the biggest sweetest smile ever.. he next words would change our lives completely. "Hun... I need to talk to you about our relationship." dumb-founded I say nothing.I am thinking what on earth could he say everything is going so well we are being safe, smart , and very honest. He grabs my hands and stands us both up, smiles again. I glance down and right as he begins to drop to one knee I spot the ring. Instantly I begin to cry "Christina Rose... will you marry me?" I continue to cry say yes grab the ring from his hand put it on and huge him. Still crying I give him a big kiss, hug him again and keep on crying. people are around just starring. Which is the best feeling ever when you just got engaged. instead of saying some sweet words like how he is go great and how much I love him I just call him a monkey and punch him in the arm. I was totally shocked. It was so perfect!!!!
Now I spend most of my time starring at my own hand, it is so great!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

lesson learned

So.. one of the hardest things about planning a wedding for me is the fact that I have have actually never been to a real wedding. I mean I was the flower girl in my parents wedding but I was nearly three.. and well as for the rest people in my family don't really get married the old fashion fancy way. It's more like go to the court house and get her done. Luckily I have some great friends who are more than wiling to help out with pretty much everything :) the first lesson I learned is that the dress takes forever to get here. So last week me and my BFF went out and Found the beautiful gown to be worn. It is really the nicest thing I have ever put on in my life and I love it. the only thing that didn't go as i planned was on the little golden rod sheet not only was the dress under contract to buy but so was the veil, tiara and nickles. so more money than I thought is going to be spent but that is a lesson learned.
Now we all know that rule that the groom can't see the dress until I walk down the isle... well my soon to be groom is not happy with that revelation ha ha. But I will not falter!! So after hearing that He feels a little jealous so we will be heading to the means wear house next week to find his dream tux lol. Which happens to be pinstriped, pretty awesome right?
We will also be going to a Lodge in sandy to look at the possibility of using it for our grand location.
I am just hoping there is minimal moose heads and plenty of space lol.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


So about this whole bloggin business, ya I'm a new-be. I figure my life is pretty interesting right?.. Well I think so at least. So why not write for the whole world to see, or maybe just for my close freinds that will actually read it, makes good sense.
well I plan to dedicate most of this info to the planning of a 20 year old's wedding, and yes that's me. I am gettin married june 13th 2008 to the luckiest guy on earth lol. No really this guy is the best you could ask for in a man. skinny, white, nerdy and has an amazing smile oh and he plumbs for money. we have an amazing and beats-the-odds story, surround by the love and grace of God, which doesn't get any better!
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