I am a New Wife, A lover of Jesus and follower of God, a personal child care provider, a student trying to pass her classes. I am living a life so full of purpose that I can't hardly believe it. I was reflecting on my life before I came to know God his son and the life I now have in him. Man My old life was crazy... now I am standing on the other side looking in on people living in the mists of so many battle I have won with God going ahead of me. I can't help but break! God's grace and love are so huge I can't even start to comprehend it all. The fact that I am nearly 21 and can say I am free from the hold of the enemy and all the plans that he conjured up to destroy me have failed , is so crazy. Most people don't even reach that level of freedom by the time they hit middle ages and some never reach it. I am now taking a stand and saying God if these broken hurting people don't have the courage or the strength to stand up for themselves I will. I will commit to intercede on behalf of the people floating down the river of destruction. Whether they are saved or not, blatantly disobeying God or not. Why? Because so many people did that for me and that is why God has freed me He heard their cries over me and answered their prayers on my behalf. What an awesome God I serve! I owe him nothing less then my life for eternity!
I hope all of you who read this blog have an amazing Thanksgiving!